The Albacore is a 15-foot sloop-rigged one-design dinghy typically sailed by two people, but it can also be sailed for fun by one person alone, or three to four people depending on size. The Albacore is used extensively for racing and recreation in the US, Canada, and the UK. It is a great first boat for those who are just learning to sail, and a very competitive racer for more advanced sailors. While the Albacores iis a fast and lively boat, it is relatively easy to get up to speed and the racing is very tactical. A very versatile boat, it is often sailed by husband/wife, and parent/child combinations. Some of the all-women teams are the most competitive in the class. Albacores sailors comprise an eclectic group from all ages and walks of life, including students, professionals, senior executives, and retirees ranging in age from 2 to 82.
our fleet
The West River Albacore Fleet (WRAF) has an active racing schedule, both at the club and in local, national, and international regattas, and are looking for interested sailors to join us. WRSC has several options for new and returning sailors who want to try out sailing an Albacore. For those new to sailing, our adult sailing Learn To Sail classes includes the option of learning in an Albacore. You'll have fun and get familiar with the Albacore at the same time, and our provisional membership makes it affordable. In addition, Albacores are available through the West River Sailing Club for use through the Shared Boat program. Shared boat members include approved graduates of the WRSC Learn to Sail classes, experienced sailors wanting to get back into sailing/racing, and sailors just wanting to try our versatile boat for fun sailing, good racing, and the added bonus of a great social group.
meet the fleet captain!
Bob Bear
If you're already an experienced racer, you'll find plenty of good competition. If you have any questions, send an email to albacore @ westriversc.com
Can't wait to catch you on the water!
join the fleet chat!
The albacore fleet uses a google group like many other fleets at WRSC, it's easy for anybody to join! This is how the fleet captain, the fleet, and others at WRSC communicate specifically to each other! All important fleet specific information is sent through this group.
Email communications @ westriversc.com to get added to this list (GoogleGroups no longer allow joining links).