West River Sailing Club is excited to host our annual One-Design Weekend, comprised of our Annapolis to Galesville Race and our 96th Annual Labor Day Regatta — the event that sparked the formation of Our Own Damn Yacht Club nearly 96 years ago.
We always try to provide housing at WRSC for those who need it. If you'd like to request housing for the event, please email communications@westriversc.com or use the chat bubble on this website to let us know you need housing. Please know that camping at WRSC is illegal per A.A. County guidelines.
Friday through Sunday all trailers that are not regularly kept at WRSC must be kept on the expansion lot directly attached to WRSC grounds. Access is off of East Benning Road or at the corner of the WRSC Parking Lot. Competitors for A2G may leave their trailers on the lawn for the event and leading up to it.
96th Annual Labor Day Weekend Regatta
WRSC is excited to host our 95th Annual Regatta on Labor Day Weekend, aka the Billy Heintz Memorial. This regatta is open to boats of the Albacore, A-Class, Chesapeake 20, Flying Scot, F16, F18, Laser/ICLA (All rigs, starting together), Wayfarer, and C420/Z420.
If you would like your class to participate, all it requires is 3 boats for a start. We do not promise separate starting lines until your fleet is sizable though.
Annapolis to Galesville Race
Our annual race from Annapolis Harbor to West River Sailing Club, ending with our Commodore's Reception. This is the only point to point distance race for dinghies on the Chesapeake Bay.
Free to all WRSC members. $10 entry for non-members.
Competitor's Meeting
Thursday, August 29 · 7:00 – 8:00pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/pzs-ypwc-zok
Or dial: (US) +1 316-413-2137 PIN: 266 125 744#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/pzs-ypwc-zok?pin=4282262427117