Our highly capable waterfront facilities are designed to enhance your sailing experience. Our beach and cranes provide easy access to the water, while our dock gives a comfortable place to tie up.
If you would like to request dockage or moorage, please contact us.

WRSC's beach launch is unique, beyond our black sand... The beach is accessible via a ramp that crosses over our erosion control systems. This ramp is wide enough for two Lasers to launch at once. Use caution near the tidal line on the ramp as this range can be rather slippery. When leaving the beach, make sure to stay between the white pole and WRSC dock to avoid submerged obstructions. After passing the 420 docks, most boats can put their boards down entirely. Furthermore, the white stake out in the water marks an old wooden shipwreck's keel that can sometimes be seen at extremely low tides.
NOTE: No motorized vehicles are permitted on the ramp. The ramp is only for launching of dinghies on dollies by hand.

WRSC maintains two 2-ton cranes at our wharf. In our typical set up, only the south crane (1) is available for member and guest use. The north crane (2) servers our support boats except for large events where we clear the wharf for faster launching.
The path up to the wharf is dredged to a sufficient depth for any boat at WRSC. Please note that the dredged path is in alignment with our dock and wharf (i.e. if you are more than 30 feet from the dock it can be shallow).
NOTE: There is no circumstance where WRSC Support Boats need to be moved from their typical placements to launch a boat using the south crane. Please do not move the support boats.

Our dock offers space for everyone. The floating docks provide space for our 12 Z420s, our 21' Zodiac, and space for one-design boats to rig and push off from. The outside end of our dock offers up to 8' of draft and the inner portion and north side offers 6' on an average tide. A few single 30amp service plugs are available for member and approved usage.
NOTE: While our dock is first come first serve, RC and Club events have priority over all other uses of the dock and mooring field

WRSC maintains mooring balls (3-5) in deep water.