March 25, 2020
Dear WRSC Members,
As we find ourselves in unprecedented times due to COVID-19, we must the follow the orders from both federal and state government. Effective immediately, in response to Governor Hogan’s closure of all “recreational facilities” including “social clubs,” the West River Sailing Club is closing our clubhouse facilities. Members are banned from access to the interior of the clubhouse. The ban on the use of all club-owned boats, including the Shared Boat Program, and the use of the club sheds and their equipment inside is still in effect. Members still have access to their boats. Again we remind you of the communal interaction points that may spread the virus. These are the: gate and lock, crane and controls.
The actions we have taken in the past weeks are unprecedented in our 90 year long history. We hope that our community can come together soon in our shared love of sailing. Until then, I encourage all members to continue mingling in responsible ways.
Our communications chair, Bryan Bay, is actively maintaining contact with our WRSC community through our social media accounts. Through a new segment, #WRSCStories, he is sharing stories from our history (along with historic documents and photos). If you have a WRSC Story to share about any fond memory related to WRSC, he asks that you email him at He is also seeking suggestions for virtual social events.
Keeping an eye forward, registrations for both our Junior Summer Sailing Program and our Adult Learn to Sail are open and space is still available. Regatta registrations will be going live soon, we encourage everyone to register per normal so that we can be fully prepared to serve all competitors. Full refunds, minus processing fees, will be given to all cancelled event and program participants.
We will continue to provide updates as deemed necessary by the WRSC board and communications committee.
Please take care during these unprecedented times; yourself and family, stay well. Lincoln Phillips
WRSC Commodore & Board.
