April 14th, 2020
We hope all of our members and our Galesville community at large are doing well during these difficult times And we hope that all of us are keeping in touch with friends, neighbors, and fellow sailors in a way that is responsible under the social distancing and Gov. Hogan’s stay-at-home order. We ask our membership to note that we have changed the locks on the clubhouse. The intent is not to lock you out of the facilities, but to keep our facilities virus free and ensure we comply with state law. It is our hope that we all will be on the water soon. As such, we need to make sure that our clubhouse is a safe place to gather when we see each other again; a temporary lock down of the building is our only way of achieving this goal. The gate code will not change, as we expect many of you to check in on your boat’s wellbeing. For the security of both personal and club owned property, please ensure that you lock the gate when you leave.
Events have evolved quickly over the past few weeks. The most recent change is the ban on recreational boating, which has been clarified to include sailing. While we all may have our own thoughts on this matter, but these are the regulations. No member should risk their own wellbeing or our club’s legal status by launching and sailing out of WRSC.
To our local members and the community, we recognize that many people use our grounds as a place to relax. We ask that everyone who visits our club do their part in maintaining the appearance of WRSC. As you always do, pick up trash or other debris you may find and please clean up after pets. While we have local members checking in regularly on the club, we all should keep an eye out for each other. If you see something, like a cover flying off a boat, take a picture and email communications@westriversc.com so we can let the right person know. As always… Stay safe, be well. Lincoln Phillips
WRSC Commodore
