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Cruise Report – Memorial Day to Drum Point Bay, Wye River

Cruisers sailed and motored on Saturday, May 27, 2023 to Drum Point Bay on the Western Wye River. Attending were: Al & Liz Sutherland and Jody Gibson, aboard Outward; Erick & Maggie Chiang aboard Au Lapin Agile; Dave & Rachel Dawson and Susan Whalen aboard Festina Lente, and guests Ken and Karen Reilley aboard Carapan.

The predicted weather was a bit daunting with Saturday the only predicted sunny day. Sunday and Memorial Day Monday were predicted to have some rain. We were lucky. Saturday winds were good and Outward (the sole sailboat on this cruise) had a delightful sail-motorsail from the West River. We rafted up close-in to Drum Point for a reduced fetch. Festina Lente served as the anchor boat. Outward served as the host boat for evening cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres. We enjoyed a wonderful evening of camaraderie.

Sunday morning, we gathered aboard Festina Lente for Dave Dawson’s FABULOUS omelets and mimosas provided by the Sutherland’s. The predicted rain never came other than a few very slight sprinkles. Late Sunday afternoon Au Lapin Agile departed for a pre-planned trip to St. Michaels. The remaining three boats stayed at anchor and the crews visited and toured each other’s boats and spent another evening with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres aboard Outward. The raft broke up on Monday before ten. Rain was scattered, but there were localized squalls. Some of the boats made it home without any rain and others went through short downpours. Outward had a great motorsail down Eastern Bay and a fabulous sail across the Chesapeake to Green 1. Fortunately rain, for Outward, only came while the crew was departing and headed for their cars and then the downpour was torrential!!

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