Year: 1995
Hull No.: 5050
Location: West River Sailing Club (parking spot is transferable)
Condition: Good (complete overhaul by Selby Bay Sailing Center in 2016)
Items included:
Title of Boat
Flying Scot Sailing Association Certification
Complete rigging (sails and spinnaker are lightly used) and sail bags, spinnaker pole, tiller, rudder, and centerboard, swimming ladder, gimbled compass (Plastimo), paddle, anchor, bumpers, and 2 adult life preservers
Trailer with title, tires and lights, locked spare tire and key
Dolly for trailer with padlock and combination
Travel covers (top and bottom)
Mast support for trailering and straps
Summer cover
Rubbermaid bin for storage of equipment
Asking Price: $11,500
Contact information: Stoney Simons
Email: flyingscot5050@westriversc.com